Buying property in Spain

Buying property in Spain

At the moment Buying property in Spain does not guarantee a residence permit.

But as we know the government of Spain is about to make a law about to make a new law which stimulate the investment in Spain. So, by this law the people who buy the property with cost more than 500.000 euro.

Meanwhile the property can only simplify the tourism visa non working residence.

Anyway we have to know that for buying property here the foreigner has to have FOREIGNER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER because all the foreigners, who, owing to their financial, professional and social interests, are associated with Spain, have to be given, for identification purposes, a sequential number that is personal, unique and exclusive.

We offer to our customs our work in checking the clearance of the buy, preparing of contract or negotiate with the owner, and also we can obtain the identification number for you or register your residence address in the administration.

Count on us in any help!

Best regards, Law Company Tramitex, Madrid, Sunny Spain.

¿Quieres que te ayudemos a conseguir autorización de residencia o Nacionalidad Española?

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